HIIT & Tabata Interval Timer is simple but very flexible timer used for high intensity interval training. It meets the needs of amateurs as well as professionals. User interface is designed to be clear and readable from distance. Each timer has required work and rest intervals and optional prepare and cooldown intervals. For notification can be used vibrations, sounds and speech. No more looking at the screen to know current interval. Each interval has configurable name, duration, color and music. Music can be set also for whole timer.
Here are several causes that make our application worth paying attention to
User interface has been designed in modern flat style with respect to be clear, simple and readable even from grater distances.
Timers can be created with minimum input from user, but they still offer lot of customization options.
Timers can be shared with others via email or AirDrop.
No more looking at the screen to know current interval. Interval name, duration and even last 3 seconds are spoken by the app.
Music can be assigned to whole timer or specific intervals. Sounds can be assigned to specific events to notify user when they occur.
Timer is running even if application is in background or when device is locked.
Our application supports landscape orientations with even bigger fonts which leads to better readability from greather distances.
One is designed to look good with smaller fonts and big round progresss. Two others are designed to be more readable with as big fonts as thay can.
User cam assign sounds to these events:every passed second,last 3 seconds from interval, interval end and timer finish.
User can turn On/Off announcement of current interval name, current interval duration, nex interval name, last 3 interval seconds and timer finish.sounds to these events:every passed second,last 3 seconds from interval, interval end and timer finish.
User can turn On/Off vibrations for interval end, last 3 seconds from interval and timer finish.
Timers can be duplicated or shared with others via email and AirDrop.
Timers can be organized into groups.
Timer interface can be locked to prevent accidentally taps on buttons. Interface can be locked manually or atomaticaly when timer starts or after a given time.